Originally Posted by Swill1496
they reccommend you buy 4000 dollars on something for a 55 dollar game?
not to shabby but they also have a midranged and lower ranged for doom3
They're very CLEAR on the fact that it's expensive. They also explain WHY
anyone would consider purchasing it:
Originally Posted by ANANDTECH
For $3926 you can put together a Performance Doom 3 system that will be the standard to which everyone else will compare. It certainly is not cheap, but if you want the best Doom 3 experience that you can find, this system will not disappoint.
Keep in mind that you still need to purchase a keyboard, mouse, Operating System, and of course, Doom 3.
Originally Posted by Gonzo
yes you need a 400 dvd burner to play doom
No, but you need a cd drive: if you're going to get such an excellent system,
you may as well acquire the DVD/CDRW drive that goes with it. Any questions?