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fujimi7su is Offline
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Default 08-09-2004, 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Akuma
That memory sucks... CAS 3 is really slow. Aim for CAS 2.5 or even better CAS 2.

Never heard of SOYO motherboards... Stick to name brands like Abit, Asus, MSI, ect.
soyo is a major brand, just not a good one.

that RAM is fine, id aim for Crucial in that price range tho.

There is really not that much difference between RAM w/ Different timings, at least not enough to justify paying 2x as much.... the ram he has is fine, and he would never notice enough of a performance difference to justify the price jump. The only time you should get high perf ram is if everything else in your system is TOP of the line... You could throw the extra 160 bucks you save getting Crucial instead of mush 222 into a bigger, beefier vid card, that would yield a much better performance difference.

but if you have the cash, get some OCZ, ive heard it runs well on Intel, but i wouldnt know cause intel sux

The video card, nice choice but i would get the 256 version.... setup looks good, i woulda gone w/ a bigger HD tho.. ive filled my 120gb with music and movies in about 2 months... happy:
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