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Default 08-09-2004, 08:25 PM

[quote="Pick Axe":719e0]First, I know that egg thing was stupid, but hell, wasn't it like 2 in the morning man, I was out of it. Forgive me.

[quote="The Frenchman":719e0][quote="Pick Axe":719e0]
[quote:719e0]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:719e0]

There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.

So this "life is sacred" mindset of yours is a selective process? You can choose what you want to live, and kill the rest. What a sweet fucking deal you made yourself.

[quote:719e0] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:719e0]

It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.

How the bitch got knocked up is irrelevent. She was given the ability to create life, and she can take it back. A living being the fetus is, of course, but so is a malignant tumour. Yet you want those gone straight-away. Fuck this pro-life bullshit, if it's one less mouth my taxes has to feed, then let it happen. Couples who are unable to have children of their own can adopt a troubled teenager for all I care. Shit, skip the changing diapar phase altogether.

Pick-axe, when you've gone through labour pains, tried to raise a couple kids in a one bedroom apartment being paid for with your minimum wage job at Wegman's, then I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say about abortion.[/quote:719e0]

How can you compare a fucking tumor to a fetus? I just can't see a single simmularity. Human life does not compare to anything else on our planet. No, i don't hold protazoans on the same level. Nor anything else for that matter. But, I'm not saying it's my right to go out and kill something just for the hell of it, because it's "sub-human". Human life is "sacred". And I believe we should protect it.[/quote:719e0]

Human life to me is as equal to every living thing on this world. I bet even you call some people "scum" or wish death on them every now and then. Stop being the fucking angel. A living thing is a living thing; just because it may not look cute or benefit you, doesn't mean you can set it on a lower level than the cute little babies and puppies.

Human life is not sacred, in fact humans are far from sacred. We are a cancer, and when we are eventually wiped out from the face of the universe, we will be nothing but a archeological dig.
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