08-10-2004, 12:10 AM
I'm sure you guys are flying through this game but i'm picking it apart meticulously. I'm trying to find all secrets before moving on. I found the plasma gun in Alpha-labs 3 in a secret spot....been trying to get the chainsaw but no such luck as of yet. I'm just entering Alpha-labs 4 on the "Veteran" setting and have these weapons:
Machine Gun
...just got a PDA message about the RPG weapon so i'm sure i'll find it in this level. I think i missed the chainsaw earlier though.
Oh, remember the crane in "Mars Underground"?, did anyone access that door on the other side of the platform near the crane? (you have to walk on a rope to get there) I was unable to access that door but i think i know what i missed.
The world is my urinal