08-11-2004, 12:17 PM
[quote:d294f]The Guide
After installation, the Doom III Folder consists only of the doom3.exe and some .PK4 files. Those PK4 files includes the entire game (sounds, videos, textures etc.) compressed. They are normally uncompressed in mid game, which is very hard on your CPU. We can unpack them and thus take the strain of your CPU.
1. Make a copy of ALL the files in C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base. This is some big filage, but if you want to revert to MP without reinstalling you need to do it.
2. Unrar the following .pk4 files (just pretend they are .rar's and open them with winrar) into the C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base folder (each one should unrar a single folder such as textures or models):
pak004.pk4 (This one has many files, put them all in \Base and overright any that apply.
3. Now delete the files above (pak000-004) or move them to another folder for storage so you can revert to multiplayer.
When you want to revert to multiplayer, restore everything you had before and get rid of the new stuff. I'm not sure if the folder maps is the same or not, so make sure you back that up.
When in the original Doom3 /base folder (that is, before the unpacking), you would have thse folders and files "maps" "savegames" "config.spec" "doomConfig.cfg" "doomkey" game00.pk4" and "gamex86.dll", nothing else.
ALSO DO THIS! If you open DoomConfig.cfg (C:\programfiles\doom3\base) in notepad and change (make sure to save a backup copy) seta image_cacheMegs "32" to a higher number, such as 128 or 265 (depends on RAM, use 256 for a gig, 128 for 512mb) you will see a big increase too. You also have to change the seta image_useCache to "1" and seta image_cacheMinK to approx "20480" (or higher)
There you have it, since the CPU wont have to unpack the textures, sounds, etc...there is a MASSIVE performance increase at the expense of no MP and requiring more HD space.
That right there is horseshit^ . As arkan said this was already debunked by an id guy. Quake 3 mohaa etc all used the same pak system as doom 3, if it worked they would ass see increases in performance but there is none.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.