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Sgt. Horvath is Offline
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Posts: 11
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Bathurst, NB, Canada
Default 02-28-2002, 09:46 AM

Great Game.
Guadacanal MOD Web Site:
Sounds Awesome. Can't wait. Wish I could write code, so I could help. Would PayPal donations help ??
Russian Front MOD Web Site:
Exact same comments as above.
Band of Brothers MOD Web Site:
What ??? Cancelled MOD ??? Say it isn't so, Can someone pick up the ball, and get this going. I can't imagine a better MOD, Mission 1, Drop into Normandy, get to Rally Point, attack guns at Brecourt Manor. Mission 2, attack on Carentan, defensive battle in Hedgerow. Mission 3, Operation Market Garden. Mission 4, Defend the "Island" in Holland. Mission 5, defend Bastonge. Mission 6, attack on Foy. Mission 7, get prisoners. Mission 8, liberate Concentration camp, and/or Nixon's jump with 17th Airborne into the Ruhr. Mission 9, liberate Eagle's Nest.
Worth buying the game all over again for me.
Please, Please, Please, Please.
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