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Sgt. Schultz: is Offline
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Posts: 207
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 03-04-2002, 02:58 AM

Hey easy there killer! Actually, have you ever fired are real thompson???? I have!!! I'm part of a re-enacting group and we have and fire everything from M1's to .30cal Machine Guns. I think I know what it should sound like and I don't have to base all my WWII knowledge on popular Hollywood flicks. A real thompson does not sound like it does on the big screen just as any gun doesn't. Movie producers add sound effects to increase the drama and effect of firing a weapon. Don't start spouting off like an expert when your only source is Saving Private Ryan!!! Join a re-enacting group and shoot the real thing!! You'll notice a difference!!

I know nothing! NOTHING!
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