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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 08-13-2004, 03:05 AM

Luke vs Vader in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi
Beatrice vs Pai Mei, Elle Driver and the Crazy 88's
The Jesus scene already mentioned above from the big lebowski
Scene in King Pin where Woody Harrleson walks in and grabs a mans pizza
Groundhog day where Phil and the townfolk get drunk and drive on the track
Burbs when Rumsfield falls off the roof and when hte house explodes
Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High
All the hit scenes in the Godfather movies
Neo vs Morpheus and Agent Smith in the Matrix
Mani in the Brotherhood of the Wolf
Library scene in Ghostbusters
Cafe and flashback scenes in Resevoir Dogs
Currahe, Carentan, D-Day, Crossroads and Bastogne in Band of Brothers
Dennis Farena kicking Danny Devitos ass in Get Shorty
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