03-01-2002, 09:49 AM
He said... The CD ROM is listed when the PC boots up. With and without the anti virus program installed. I am running Windows XP Professional and just installed it about a month ago.
So it wouldn't be a hardware issue if the bios sees it when it is posting.
so doing anything in your bios or reseating the ide cables is fruitless.
If windows sees the drive but the drive won't read anything, burnt cds or manufacturer cds, then you have a bad cd-rom drive is all. They do go bad from time to time. If you have another computer in your house, take the cd-rom out of the other one and temporarily connect it to yours and see if that one works, if it does, then you know your drive is bad, if you wanna be absolutely sure, put your drive in the other computer and see if it works in it.
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