08-13-2004, 10:45 PM
i think when you finally draw your last breath and close your eyelids, you open them right after almost as if you blinked. but you are comming out of the womb and being reborn as a baby seeing the world for the first time, in that second long blink, you forget 99.9% of what you knew in your past life. i say the 99.9% because in the rare instances, when kids reach their second year of life, they sometimes (very rare) they talk and act like they're someone else, i forget the term, but its like relivivng past life experiences. the other idea i have besides reincarnation is death is only the beguinning of something else, the next step in a way, to what? i dunno, but that's what i think. i don't think theirs any pearly gates or anything nor is their any 'limbo' to wait in. but for some reason, i do think bad people do go somewhere. not quite like hell, but somewhere..