08-15-2004, 03:00 PM
gotta be fuckng shitting me, sarge was a joke, he never even hit me once, and i am playing this game on vet ffs. I fucking rocketed his stupid cannon, 3 rockets, then threw the soul cube at him once and he died, what a sad excuse. fuck. I was expecting the sarge to put up more of a fight, even the guardian was pretty simple, just wait for the seekers to gather near each other launch a rocket at um boom, you just killed all 3, then just proceed to rocket the blue ball and bam, the guardian is dead easy as shit. ,such a joke. I find Hell knights, commandos, & those slug gun things the real threat in the game. Still though, I find this game more about story telling on a scale never before really done, and graphics which are candy to the eyes. If I had to score this game 9.5 outta 10. Reason being, Needs more interactive enviroments. (On nightmARE THE GAME IS HARD AS FUCK THOUGH).