08-15-2004, 08:40 PM
Take all the AP classes you can in high school, they help you out alot in college. Knowing what you want to do helps out alot, especially if you stay focused and motivated. You dont want to figure out what you want to in life when you turn 25, try and figure that out before you graduate. I joined the Navy after high school and it was a great experience. Seeing the world for free opens up your mind to alot of new things and makes you see the world from another aspect. Plus, the US dollar goes a long way in some remote places of the world biggrin: The important thing about going to college is to see a counselor before the semester (even if you know what you want to do) just so you can plan out the classes you are going to take and the future ones. College counselors are not like high school conselors, they know what they are doing. Make a map of classes to take and take classes that fill the requirements of two or more areas, it saves you time and money. I hit the JC after the Navy and that saved time and money too. Why pay university tuition on something you arent going to major in? You take the basics at JC level with your AP credits and you transfer to that University with a good record: transfer students need to meet differant requirements than high school students and are given a much bigger break. Talk to your counselor and stay focused on your goal, its the best advice anyone can ever give you about college.