Thread: Please Help
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Default 03-02-2002, 08:30 AM

Ok boys and girls here are the problems I'm having

1. This has happened 3 times. When i start the game i find all my settings have been changed. for instances my graphics and sounds options go back to being the way they were. also I have lost all the campaign missions meaning only Arzew is visible on the campaign map.

2. when playing multiplayer my sound begins to stutter and shudder after a while. i think this may be related to lag.

3 Also when playing multiplayer i sometimes get a "Kernell32.DLL" error causing me to restart the comp. this happens most when accessing the in game server browser.

4. not really a problem but I have noticed that ever since installing the game and playing it that everytime i restart or boot up my machine it says "Windows is updating configuration files." this has constantly happened and usually happens after playing the game.

Oh and here are my system specs...

US MOHAA version
US V1.1 patch applied
Windows ME

512 MB ram
40 gig hard drive
GE force 2 pro, 32mb video card
Sound blaster 64
ADSL internet access
32X CD rom drive

All drivers are up to date.

Well by now i should thank you for reading this and I would appreciate any help I can receive. This game rocks I just want to play it without problems

PS I'm posting this in a couple of forums as to receive maximum assistance, so please dont flame.

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