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Default 03-03-2002, 11:11 AM

more and more servers are using these damn realism mods that have people running around with MGs sniping
Im not complaining b/c i got my ass whupped, i complain b/c it's to easy and it takes no skill, just an itchey trigger finger and slight aim
mostof the time when i die, i dont get a shot off and when i win its b/c i see the person i killed a split second before they see me.
to me this sucks<> no competion anymore
if you go for head shots, they're down in 2 or less shots!!!!

The only good thing about Realism Mods is that the increased power of the Mgs and SMGs have nuetralized shotguns,but at the same time if you use any other weapon you are at a serious disadvantage.
i laugh at players who love the M1 or both the sniper rifles b/c they ahve no real chance in hell of scoring a high number of frags

People need to realize that this is JUST a GAME and all these realism modes are for a game that is NOT REAL.

your comments would be appreciated
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