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Default 03-03-2002, 06:26 AM

Realism mods take a lot less skill to kill and a lot more to stay alive.

The funny thing is, a lot of people who are pro realism will say how they dislike the quake mentality of the game without realism when in the pure essence of it realism servers promote more reactions than much else on certain maps.

Take stalingrad, for example. I've watched a player own this map with the STG-44 simply because he had faster reactions than everyone else.

He didn't use cover, he just ran about getting frags like in any normal game, but because the map is so closed and claustrophobic he ripped everyone to shreads.

Now this is still skillful, but I can guarentee you he'd not be able to do that on non-CKR servers.

Realism doesn't promote any more skill and nor does non-realism. They're just different.

But I find it funny when pro-realism players complain about quake-style players. I find CKR makes the game much more reaction-based than normal mode, and less sneaky.

Why bother sneaking when the enemy only needs to see you a fraction of a second before you do to kill you?

Realistic? Maybe. Fun? Not for me.

I just avoid CKR/CPR servers. I prefer balance of gameplay over realism. Realism servers tear balance apart and make it so it's pointless using shotguns/rpgs and sniper rifles.

Variety is the spice of life

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