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Default 03-03-2002, 05:36 AM

Guns too overpowered?

Tell me you are in a room with a 50 cal machine gun, and I have a dueling pistol from the 1800s. Who will survive?

The one who shoots first!

As an old man, 36, with many years of real military service I appreciate the realism mods. To me they are closer to my real world experience. Yes I enjoy classic FPS games like quake and CS, but they reward those that have quick reflexes and do not really work for those that like to plan and enact careful purposeful actions.

One of my greatest complaints on some servers is the fact that 1 person can rule a map because he has found that by running and hopping from spot to spot with 1 particular weapon he cannot be killed. This is not realistic and tends to annoy those of us that are looking for realism.

It is obivious that there are at least two types of players and I am thankful that there are serves that can please all of us.
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