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Default 03-03-2002, 02:13 AM

In SPR during the final battle one of the men said there were 2 "Tiger" and 2 "Panzer" tanks coming.

In the briefing for M4L3 it says that you can identify a King Tiger because "it is much bigger than the Tiger and Panzer tanks".

Tank lesson for the newbies:
There is no such thing as a "Panzer tank".
Panzerkampfwagen (armored fighting vehicle) is the German word for tank. German tank designations were Panzerkampfwagen followed by a number. This was shortened to PzKmfW or
simply "Panzer".
So the Tiger would be "Panzer MkVI", Panther was "Panzer MkV". The tank referred to as "Panzer" in SPR would probably be a Panzer IV. Which were referred to by Americans and British as "Mark IVs". (By the way in Kelly's Heroes Oddball calls the Tiger a "Mk VI", the correct way to name a tank)

By the way there were no other tanks except the Tiger in SPR's final battle. The open-topped thingy with the cannon was a "Marder" tank-destroyer, based on a Panzer II chassis.

Another spoiler: the plane that saves Tom Hanks' ass is a P-51D Mustang, they were used exclusively as air superiority planes while P-47s, P-38s, and British Typhoons did mud moving.

Now that I ruined SPR for everyone, I think I'll go watch Kelly's Heroes.

"At basic you learned out of a book, I'm going to teach you things they never put in the book, and probably never will" -Sands of Iwo Jima
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