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Default 03-04-2002, 08:35 AM

I was on a server about 10 days ago, I remember the server name but wont post it here cause I'm not 100% sure they were cheating. I noticed the guy hosting was getting alot of pistol whipping kills on other players. Then out of nowhere I got pistol whipped by him, I normally listen and turn around alot in MOH to make sure no one is following me and never heard anything. So I figured I must have walked past this guy and he was in some bushes or something then jumped out and pistol whipped me. It was the French village map with bushes everywhere. Then the same guy shotguns me, I never saw anything, so I went into the lower room with the kegs and stuff in it and backed into a corner to watch, then sure enough I get pistol whipped again, never saw the guy coming. I asked them if the server was hacked and of course they said no, but other players on the server were seeing (or not seeing) the same thing and after calling them a bunch of cheaters everyone but the 2 in the clan guys left the server.

I firmly believe these guys were invisible somehow..
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