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Default 03-04-2002, 09:13 AM

Quazi... I've seen this myself only 2 days ago on a server in the UK.

The two players you saw motionless don't have a gun (nor did mine), which would imediately point this to a bug in the code (good Lord, not another one).

I was confused, 'cos I couldn't kill them (in fact they had no kill-boxes which, yet again, points this to a bug rather than a cheat).

They were both at the spawn point of the bridge, so I thought initially it was some kind of weird lag.

Then I realised that the last 2 allies left were still playing. They both died, eventually and the round restarted.

I'd not call it cheating simply because they both still died.

It could be a client-side bug that shows players in spec mode, even while playing, and to you alone they are invisible.

Indeed, I've followed a player in spec mode who was invisible to me and I had force-models on. He couldn't have been cheating though because everyone else could see him and he died frequently.

I just restarted the game and the bug had gone.

I don't think this is a cheat. I think it's another bug.

I don't remember this ever happening in the demo, so I could only think it's a final version bug, or perhaps even a bug unique to v1.10.

I'd suggest, if this happens again, that you try restarting the game.

I'm sure that would clear it.

2015, are you reading this?

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