Any of You have Scars? (pics!) -
08-24-2004, 03:35 AM
I have one. It's 16cm in length. about grade 9during the summer, I fell off my bike and broke my arm pretty bad. I was freaking out, cuz I was holding my arm up and it was like jelly. the forearm was flopped over.. so I when into surgery and the surgen placed two metal plates on either side of my fore arm to fix it. I got about 16 Staples in my arm to close it. two weeks later I got the bandages off. I also had to spend the night at the hospital. and all night long this kid had the flu and was fuckng puking all night.
If you would move ur finger across the side of my arm, you can feel the screws in it. and till this fucking day. anyone who see's this scar always asked me what happen, so I tell them, and they ALWAYS ask "so will a metal detector go off if u walked through one?" Gee I dont fucking know.. i have metal in my arm and a metal detector detects metal... you just answered your own question einstein.
so, do you have any scars or any crazy stories? share 'em