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Default 08-24-2004, 07:37 AM

Buck, it shouldnt go off. I have a few screws and pins in my hand, and i recently flew out to texas and nothing went off.

I dont have pics of the scar. but this should do

Inn 6th grade, about 4 years ago my finger got lodged into a spinny little tube thing on a wood lathe, and "Spun" off.

This is the x-ray from the ER

If you look closely, you can see the skin of my finger, is actually resting over my other two fingers.

After they took this, they set it. They re positioned it. Causing a pain 10x worse then the actual injury.

So after around 5-6 hours in surgery, they finally connected the arterys, tendons, some shit like that. THey even took some from my wrist )got a scar there) this is the end result


The big pinw as taken out quite a while ago. Everything else is still there
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