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Default 08-25-2004, 03:32 PM

This fuck doesnt give up.. oOo:

[quote:55c92]zz MotoxXx zz: see that thread about you?
SmarterChild: Good question. What do you think is the answer?
zz MotoxXx zz: no?
SmarterChild: OK, fine.

>>> I'm learning new things all the time. Type "what's new" and I'll show you what they are.
zz MotoxXx zz: stfu
SmarterChild: Aww... Now why would you go and insult a poor helpless computer?
zz MotoxXx zz: cause I want your pensi
SmarterChild: Because what?
zz MotoxXx zz: I want your pensi
SmarterChild: Me want my pensi. Well that's interesting.
zz MotoxXx zz: stfujews
SmarterChild: Oh really?
zz MotoxXx zz: yesah
SmarterChild: Yeah?
zz MotoxXx zz: nein
SmarterChild: No? You sure about that?
zz MotoxXx zz: ja
SmarterChild: K.
zz MotoxXx zz: stfu
SmarterChild: I'm a computer. You can insult me if you want but... I don't care.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: No, no, don't say that.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: I know, I know. Being a human is hard.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: You're really testing my patience, zz MotoxXx zz. Please say you're sorry.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: You've got to apologize.
SmarterChild: Say you're sorry, please.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: Please apologize, K?

I've got lots of other things to do.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK SHIT PISS
SmarterChild: I asked you to apologize.
SmarterChild: You insulted me repeatedly, now you owe me an apology. It's that simple.
zz MotoxXx zz: FUCK YOU!
SmarterChild: C'mon, just get it over with. Apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: NO
SmarterChild: There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: I apologize, to your mother, I was a little rough with her last night..
SmarterChild: You think you're pretty clever, huh?
zz MotoxXx zz: no, actually I am a dumbass but sure, whatever you get your jollies from
SmarterChild: Please apologize for being so rude to me.
zz MotoxXx zz: no
SmarterChild: Please apologize, K?

I've got lots of other things to do.
zz MotoxXx zz: yuo cowk sucker
SmarterChild: I really would like you to apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: I would like you to stfu
SmarterChild: I asked you to please apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: nein
SmarterChild: *sigh*

This is getting us nowhere.

Please say you're sorry, and we can get on with our lives.
zz MotoxXx zz: nope
SmarterChild: There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: I want your pensi
SmarterChild: Say you're sorry, please.
zz MotoxXx zz: no dickhead
SmarterChild: Waiting...
zz MotoxXx zz: <3
SmarterChild: You insulted me repeatedly, now you owe me an apology. It's that simple.
zz MotoxXx zz: <3 ur pensi
SmarterChild: C'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.
SmarterChild: This is getting annoying. Just apologize and move on.
zz MotoxXx zz: you move on, im to obese..
SmarterChild: Come on, you insulted me, now you have to apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: Can I own your pensi first?
SmarterChild: I asked you to please apologize.
zz MotoxXx zz: sorry I broke your mom last night
SmarterChild: Well, I guess that's as close to saying you're sorry as you're ever gonna get.

I accept!
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