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St@tIc is Offline
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Default 08-25-2004, 06:14 PM

i have been in juvy once....the story is

one day a couple of friends and i were walking threw town when one of my friends ask us if we wanted to go to a local gas station and grab a few bites to thinking he meant buy a couple bites to eat we went with him...when we got there he grabed like..3 packets of those little pie thingies and walked out the door..well the clerk call the cops and said that we tried to rob him and that we were all stealing when 4 of us had no clue what was going when a couple of police showed up we were sitting on the curb infront of the store..he one with the pie got up and yelled'RUN" so not thinkin we all got up and ran...we jumped 3 fences ...1 barbed wire fence that torn the shit out of my hand......after we ran a couple of blocks a different patrol car drove by and stoped and the cop ran after us....i was the 2nd to get taken down....i ran into a yard where i fell over a lawn chair that i didnt see cause the person had a retaining wall nad the cop happened to be 5-6 feet behind me and cuffed me...i remember when my dad came in the police station where they were prossesing me and such ....2 week later i had my court trial with my 4 other friends...i pleaded guilty because i didnt want to get in even more trouble and got convicted to 1 month in juvenille hall....
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