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elmagoo is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 03-02-2001, 09:30 AM

As for co-oping the whole game, that's not as easy as it sounds. There's a lot of care that has to go into making a game fully co-opable (in all aspects from level design to code). There are many issues that have to get thought out and solved (such as if one player dies, do you just let them infinately respawn like in Quake 1 so there's no real meaning to trying to stay alive, or do you give them some kind of harsh penalty so there's more value on trying to stay alive). Plus the gameplay and level flow have to be designed from the ground up with co-op in mind. There are certain styles of levels in the game that just won't work well for co-op (such as when you infiltrate under the guise of a German uniform, you can't really have several players all walking around in disguise). In the old days of Quake1 and Doom, yeah it was easy because it was all simple run-and-gun. These days with the amount of atmosphere were adding to the game with all the events we have going on, the different styles of gameplay, it takes a lot more effort in the design.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a code monkey to go strangle.
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