04-05-2001, 09:32 AM
All the levels are done most companies can give min way eailier. But I do agree with bad script. But if they say a 450 can run then they also have some idea.
As for you candy straw. Your remark has no thought in it what so ever. Some of the most played games are Still with the low sys requirements that you can play on a 166. Half life is the most online played shooter their is. Go try to find a Urban ops game your choices are slim, But if you want a rouge spear game. Well the system requirments are lower. So If my machine is crappy so is everyonelse. But to give you an honest awnser. I think that your machine was probably ill bought....To many nviadias still to come, you see they promise a new one every six months. Lets not forget the problems plaugeing the pentium 4 on the graphics side. And most of all lets not forget windows xe. So you will be short lived and more than likely game sales will drop. I dont need survey for this pc gamer has done that. Though the guys at pc gamer can afford to see something new, and in there reviews always slaming graphics kinda push it. When a game sales are low because of high sys req. they tell you. And to current date titles with high are doing poorley. No I dont need to update the bang for my buck is not their yet..I have however been at this many years and seen alot of trends. The true gamers are the ones to make a game suffer. Simply put they created the best advertising you could ever buy. And your die hards do not build machines for every new high sys requirment. So candystraw you have the attitude of a typical gamer that cheats and ruins our new games always crying camper and blameing your poor performance in a game due to some bug.
If the requirments are high no prob..will pick it up on the bargain rack, but by that time most people when they do upgrade will have to have a slow down patch and calling your machine crapy.