Okay I just posted Coriolis's link on frontpage so others who only visit the news page can see it.
Ownage, I understand that you feel bad about our fellow mohaa fans, but I don't know if I agree with you completely.
According to WRE, it was EA's decision and until 3 weeks ago it was still going be a public showcase. It's just nature for members working on this project to tell their fans to come and see something that they've worked hard on and are obviously very proud of, I don't see anything wrong there. To be honest, I don't think 2015 is in any position to argue with any of EA's decision. As far as I know, publishers own developers, if they pull the plug it's lights out. Keep in mind, this isn't ID software we're talking about here, mohaa is 2015's first major title, did you expect them to turn table with EA?