Thread: Todays Youth
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Default 08-31-2004, 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by "Sgt>Stackem":69973
Originally Posted by Milla
Or the little wigger kids who think they are the shit, they need a good ass kicking.
agreed, when I was young if I did something stupid I got my ass kicked, if I were to do that to a kid today Id be up on charges. The parents are where the problem lies. I see some of my kids friends and just shake my head. 10 years olds dressing like Brittney Spears, bare middrif whats up with that. Someone said parents are trying to be kids friends or cool, well thats OK to a point but the parent has to rule the roost. Im glad I have raised my kids like I have, they will say "please" Thank-you" and if they address you it would start Mr. xxxx or Miss xxxxx. respect is a learned thing. Kids will do what thier parents do. You MUST lead by example
I hung out with some kids who were bad, but i realized that, my current friends shake my parents hands come over to my house when im not even home to just hang out with my dad.

I never dressed like i was black, or like i was a prep, or like i was mad at my father. I dress in what is comfortable. And im sure being an 11 year old girl and dressing like birtney spears isnt comfortable. I swear to god and no im not a pedophile but this really cute girl was looking at me so i proceeded to have a conversation with her ya know get her number get to know her a little bit, so she goes "well i gotta go my mom is getting me soon." Im like "you dont drive?" Shes like "no im not old enough yet." im like WTF?!?!?! she was like 14 looking 17-19. Girls should wear a sticker with their age on it.[/quote:69973]


I know what you mean man, it's the same down here....These fucking little girls dress as though they're much older - You just can't tell nowadays....Parents should be aware, letting their girls dress like that they're just asking for dodgy older guys and sexual predators to feast on these girls.

The only little "bad-ass" kids I like, are the ones who take out their daddies shotgun without asking, and blow their fucking faces off.

Originally Posted by Himmler
i remember here in vegas, maybe it wasnt here but somewhere in the usa where a girl (13 or 14) brought her guy friend out into a field promising sex, and then her other guy friends came out of nowhere and started beating the other kid and they all killed him. just to get his money in his wallet. WTF.
Wasn't that on CSI?
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