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Can some one make these 2 mods?
SgtMajSudano is Offline
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Default Can some one make these 2 mods? - 09-01-2004, 04:22 PM

Hi all, I'm from TMT. People been treating my like Sh** there so I am going to take a break and join Anyway, Is it possible to make these 2 mods? A classes mod and a cool new gametype thatmthe Objective is to hold a certain area in a map on Team Death Match and Recieve poits for Holding this point. And If this is not possible Can Some one spawn some Ojbects in the 7 TDM stock maps in diferent locations so people will kinda hold this area. Example of what I mean. In the church on dm/mohdm2 add Sand bag Bunkers, Weapons, ect. all in strategic Locations. Here is a little more infomation on what I mean.

Team Death Match Objecitves...

Southern France
OBJ- Receive Points for Holding the CourtYard(The side with most trees near the bridge).

Destroyed Village
OBJ- Receive Points for Holding Church.

Allies- Receive Points for Holding Axis Spawn Side.(With out spawnkilling some how)
Axis- Receive Points for Holding Allied Spawn Side.(With out spawnkilling some how)

OBJ- Receive Points for Holding the Hotel.

Snowy Park
OBJ- Hold the Forts in the trees? Not sure about this map.

OBJ- Receive Points for Holding the Boiler Room.

Allies- Hold a certain side of map.
Axis- Hold Opposite side of map that the Allies Hold..

And for the Classes, well, just the basics like Battle Field 1942. Sniper, Engineer, Support, Rifleman, and what ever else. So can this be done?

Thanks for your time.

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