09-01-2004, 04:33 PM
Dodge? Ive been inside numerous chevy work trucks and one or two dodges, let me tell you the dodge has a nicer interior and a better ride. But theres no way in hell it can tow and carry as much as of a payload as the chevy. And the partts on the chevy are all better materials and built to last. The one at work has more fucking dings and dents and what not than any other truck ive ever seen. For some reason the engine coolant was disable and the thing ran for a week straight without overheating once, mind you it got hotter than a sun of a bitch but its an amazing truck.
keep your "hemi"
If you want a nicer riding truck for almost 3 grand more sure get the dodge, but if you want somethings thats built to last and will work its ass off, get a fuggin chebby