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09-03-2004, 10:23 PM
hacker1944 was better.
Originally Posted by oOo
"A New Hacker is in Town.
hey everyone. this is MPowell1944. you all might know me from my maps/mods for MOHAA. I also share the hacking side of the game with you all.
I have some interesting hacks/cheats that i would like to share with you all. Please leave any comments here.
i'm working on a mohaa hack site right now. i will add the pics when i get a chance.
here is the link, but i just started last nite so only the logo is up. lol
here is the list. small for now, but will get bigger with time.
1. Bush Hack
2. Fog Hack
3. Max Farplane Hack
4. Farplane NOCULL Hack
5. No Recoil Hack
6. 3rd Person View
7. Door Hack
8. Entity Hack
whew. thats all i can remember. please share your comments here. thanks."