09-04-2004, 06:02 PM
ok My thoughts on this game...
1 Loading time is rediculous.
2. On Low settings, this game look like complete and utter shit, worse then the Original Mohaa on maxed out settings. (At least I could run Doom 3 on low and it still looked fantastic, this game just chugs a fugs. i was lucky with a steady 16 to 28 fps in battles.
3. The AI, did the Japenese really go and hide from me in a Bush ? did my comrades purposely look me in the face, then run in front of my gunfire ? Did the Japenese really purposely clump up together so 10 bullets from myy Tommy would gun them down.... for a 596 meg demo, they should of had some brains.
4. Noticible clipping every where.
As gerard said... "did that grenade go off" ?
Good Things.
1.The game atmoshpere feels great at times, action packed fun, Weapon sounds to me and brutish enough, aiming is some what hard since the chross hair is huge, and toggeling from iron site is realistic.
2. Commanding my squad kicks ass. they work well for me. except when they run in front..
3. Fighter battle at the start feels great, quite scene to play in. This does feel liek the omaha of MOhaa.
-I would give this game
on a scale of 1 to 10 a 8.0. All problems aside, this is only a demo, I am sure these problems will be fixed 100 % be release. Its a good game, BUT NOT THE STELLAR savior you all wanted for the MOH series, it will do well, but it ain't no call of duty. happy: