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Default 09-04-2004, 09:18 PM

Found the menu to change your settings ingame, press esc once the game is loaded to configure your keyboard.

Nearly finished the demo (keep getting killed at the airport lol, quicksave doesn't seem to work) and I must say I 'm quite disappointed. I can't say I admire the engine as much as I did with Farcry and Doom3 but it 's quite alright. Still feel like Mohaa played better and I had more fun playing that SP demo even though it has been 3 years.

The medic seems to get lost quite alot, think he needs glasses or contacts... and your team isn't much of a help (I kill 5 times the enemies my team kills which is quite unrealistic in my opinion as they count 3 or 4).

Conclusion for now: I hope MP turns out alot better than this or they won't see 60 euros from me.
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