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geRV is Offline
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Default 09-05-2004, 10:31 AM

Ive played through it a load of times now, more you play it the more "meh" it feels. You have ea shit talking about dynamic ai and the fact its not scripted, then you actually play the demo and see that all it has are scripted sequences.

Bonzai charge from a bunch of japs that seem to come out of nowhere when you reach the .30cal. (gg enemy respawn)
Truck getting bombed.
Planes taxi'ing for takeoff and getting bombed which just happens to leave a way for you to get into the airfield.
Another bonzai charge at the airfield from about 30 japs hiding behind 3 or 4 boxes. eek:
Corsair geting strafed by the zero as soon as you are told to man the .50cal.
Corsair slamming into the guard tower a few seconds after you get on the .50cal.
Then probably the worst the supposed "dynamic ai" in the planes is nowhere to be seen and they attack in the same sequence everytime.

This really feels like call of duty but without midgets playing the parts. I suppose some scripting is to be expected but the way ea has advertised this game they basically say the enemy reacts to its surroundings...obviously this must mean they just "bonzai charge" you from 50+ feet away every chance they get.

The game has a nice look and feel but after playing the demo it just smacks of call of duty (for the scripted sequences, and mohaa (for the enemies spawning out of nowhere).

The actual voiceovers in the game are pretty boring as well. Actually reminds me of how farcry seemed dumb with the enemies saying shit like "im gonna lay the smackdown on you". This game sounds more like the beverly hillbillies meets ww2, all i hear is "y'all" (apparently the marines were made up of nothing but rednecks) and "nice shot tommy" "nice throw tommy" and other stupid shit that makes the game sound like an old 1960's ww2\comedy movie. Anyone with the name tommy is gonna love this game as you'll feel as if your squad is kissing your ass from start to finish with their compliments(one guy springs to mind biggrin: ).

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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