Lieutenant Colonel
Posts: 7,162
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Plymouth, MA

09-05-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by ElitE3D
yer hes been busy thats why i made a crappy one for now
moh  a still runs on the quake 3 engine lol i cant believe it i has a new model system shader files are no longer used tik have been replaced with something very similar its very easy to mod which is good cus the graphics on pa are sweet, the same structure exists so if you can mod allied assault you will have problem with skins and weapon mods but new models im finding out about im looking into a plugin for 3dmax or lightray, i love the levels i think i should move vietnam it to pacific assault the levels are perfect and the new scripts are sweet. cool:
omfg geocities...