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Default 06-09-2001, 03:21 AM

Since we are talking about WWII Online, you MUST go to and read the review of this ground breaking title. I hope that Medal Of Honor will have such features as "being able to play the game" which WWII Online seems to lack. By the time WWII Online will be playable, everyone will be playing IL-2 Sturmovik or Medal Of Honor. Cornered Rat Software should have written on their box, "Hallo, this game is not finished but we will sell it to you because we want your money!! We want it bad!! OOHH YEAH BABY!! Ohhhhhh yyyyeeeeeesss!! Come on! We dare you to buy it! This version gives you such bonus features like downloading patches for 3 hours. You will become an alcoholic, a manic depressive, a mass murderer or all of them put togather." This game might be playable in a about a month..... that is if there are still enugh players to play this game."
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