Thread: generic crap
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Default 09-06-2004, 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by RAMRODELITE
The overal quality just keeps rolling down hill, yes i know how hard it is to make this stuff, and I know also know how good these games above are compared to EA's trash and that EA could do a lot better, but don't. (don't want to be TOO complicated for the AVERAGE GAMER!!)

Wow amazing, you figured out stuff the rest of us knew a couple of years back. I dunno where you're getting this fanboy shit from like this is a forum of ea suckups, if you want ea suckups go to planetmedalofhonor. Pretty much anyone thats been here a while knows ea blows when it comes to quality, the amount of ports they do on consoles says it all, they develop for POS-2 and then the xbox and gamecube get halfassed graphically shitty ports which could be improved on with some work. Ea is out for the money as is any games company, just some care about the quality of their products, ea have franchises that sell just by the name alone, look at rising sun for example, biggest piece of shit game to ever bear the medal of honor name and as far as i know it was a best seller over the christmas period.

Fact is when support for moh got dropped by ea this forum pretty much has a negative attitude to their newer games in general. Coming onto a forum and posting this kinda shite like noone here already knew just looks incredibly stupid. Just because a site has the name does not make it an ea fanboys only club.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.