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Default 09-09-2004, 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Buckweed
[07:49:27 PM] gerv.55@ntlw: i watched that movie terminal, and shaun
of the dead over last few days
[07:49:35 PM] gerv.55@ntlw: ya
[07:50:08 PM] gerv.55@ntlw: shaun of the deads pretty fucked up, its
nowhere near as funny as the commercials make it out to
[07:50:21 PM] gerv.55@ntlw: in fact the shit you see in the
commercials is prolly the only funny stuff
[07:51:24 PM] [C] >>> I he: lol
[07:51:36 PM] gerv.55@ntlw: only real bit i laughed at was at the
start, theyre in the bar, him and his girl are talking,
and his fat friend comes over and says "can i gt, any of
you cunts a drink", then theyre like :wtf, just the way
he comes out with it makes it funny
[07:51:56 PM] [C] >>> I he: LOL
Well Gerv hates pretty much everything except.........ATI. So that's like 5 stars from Gerv.

Well when all the funny parts are featured in the trailer it makes it less of a suprise when you actually see it so sleeping:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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