Originally Posted by MotoxXx
[quote:bbf21]Anyone who played the MOHPA demo can now give his feedback on the official MOHPA website. Through an [url=http://www.zipsurvey.com/LaunchSurvey.aspx?suid=2861&key=E41CF1A4:bbf21]official survey[/url:bbf21] you can indicate what you think of the controls/audio/grahpics etc. Don't hesitate to take this survey; EA needs your feedback!
Go and take [url=http://www.zipsurvey.com/LaunchSurvey.aspx?suid=2861&key=E41CF1A4:bbf21]the survey[/url:bbf21]!
5 letter sum up the demo
It shows how unsure ea are of this game, they had magazines and online sites bitching at them now after the demo was released to a deafening hush theyre wondering wtf have we done with the game to make them hate it so much.