09-11-2004, 11:44 PM
Paul Anderson must be stopped! NO MATTER THE COST!
Let me take you back to my middle school years. There's a young stary eyed boy who, and this is true, is in a fit shape. This youth is attached to his supernintendo playing great games like Starfox,Zelda and other great games of the day. The most notable is Mortal Kombat. A gruesome game that combines gore,fighting and memorable charecters. Fast forward a few years and the buzz around the scene was there's a movie coming out about Mortal Kombat. This movie, while a lil' corny, followed the story line of the game very well. A few years later another Mortal Kombat came out, this time with the name Anihilation. The movie was total shit. The destroying of memorable charecters and the constant plot fuckups hurt the game players the most....the butcher of this film went by the name of Paul Anderson.
Many years later another movie comes out sharing the same name of a popular video game. This movie was Resident Evil. Eager as a beaver I rushed to see this movie with the highest expectations of it following the first Resident Evil story line. My heart was saddend when I viewied this monstrosity of a movie....
I think we can figure what happend to AvP:The Butchering and now most recent, Resident Evil Apocalypse.
My main question to Mr.Anderson is 'how?' How can someone fuck up something that was so solid a story line, so solid a fan following? HOW I ASK YOU!