Originally Posted by "Short Hand":41758
The MLB.....Home of the most over-payed & under skilled athletes, to ever be conceived.
Yea, Underskilled? Bullshit. You try hitting a ball traveling in the mid to high 90's Fastball with a late, slight drop. Try throwing a ball that Travels straight at 100 MPH, then throw a 60 MPH curve ball with a 12 to 6 break.
Try catching a ball while running fullspeed, looking over your soldier knowing that theres a wall 5 feet in front of you.[/quote:41758]
-Sammy CORKS his BAT again
-Bonds pumps another 2000 Dollers worth of Steroids.
-And Well's is 400 pounds over weight.
-While A Rod gets another 256 Million for 10 years.....
-While Rose bets on the game.
Gimme a break, baseball is a fucking joke.