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London's railway gets another revamp from [STB]
cliveystb is Offline
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Default London's railway gets another revamp from [STB] - 09-13-2004, 03:24 PM

Colin is at it yet again with his train spotting side coming out in a another map but this time he has outdone himself. rock:
After testing this map the other day and finding myself turning into a train spotter freak: I thought it is only fair to share some of the screeny's with you all
[img][/img] [img][/img]
before any one asks our trains are always on time.
This map has shown colin to be the geek that we always thought and the trains are apperently accurate for the time even down to the covers on the seats. stupid:
the trains actually move (most of them), the one in the picky is stationary all the time, he has even got the destination boards working.
The sounds are awsome (he has not confessed to recording the sounds him self yet!!!)
I will let you all now as soon as it is ready and get it in for submission at the same time
biggrin: happy: happy: happy: happy: happy:
take care


I am yet again impressed with his mapping skill's
may be he is trying to get a job with EA
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