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WTC Alpha Preview
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Default WTC Alpha Preview - 09-18-2004, 06:46 PM

























2 Working Subways
Some original Subway Art from NYC
Actual NYC Building Textures
Reflective Ambient Windows
Snipers Wet Dream
City Ambience
240 new textures (sc, mw ,caskami ,gen cobra, Xaviar)
Car brush models
Vehicle models sc & mw

-WTC Buildings
-Finacial Buildings
-Empire State Building
-XXX Club

A lot of work has been done for this. The working subway is the only real advantage to the terrorists/axis who decide they will try to brave the city to get to the radio which inturn triggers the planes crashing into the WTC buildings.

I'm about 80% done with the map. After I finish the scripting of the pyro for the explosions, VIS leafgroups and block off the rest of the outside of the map it will be ready for an ALPHA test. I will be recruiting people for this test. I'm doing a personal lan test at a local Lan Zone Store with 14 people. But I will want user feedback before the net Beta release. I'll let you all know when its ready for ALPHA. Cheers and be ready to be wowsered. rock:

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