Thread: CoD:UO
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Default 09-19-2004, 03:15 AM

UO gives me high blood pressure, the lack of team work in the game is sky rocketing. most of the maps are just n00bs running over n00bs, and unless ur not in a tank yourself. just open console and type /kill to get it over with. it's fucking impossible to accomplish some of the gameplays in the servers.. CTF, Domination, ect.. only REAL good maps are Arnhem and Cassino and Foy.

Armhem: because it's more infantry work and it actually takes teamwork (which is rare to come by in this game)

Cassino: because only 1 tank for each team at a time. Alot of nooks and cranies to hide in and blow up tanks with your bazooka or panzerschecks.

Foy: Only because I think that map is well balanced with the tanks in it. there arent a shit load of n00bs driving around and shit, there is a balance of infantry and tanks, CTF on that map is fun as hell.

It just blows my mind completely of how things in the game are ridiculous, for example, a player and I are in a house.. no more than 3 feet away from each other.. I tank blows the hell outta the house, he's left standing and im left respawning back at my base.

If there were other different ways to destoy tanks, I would be a much more happy person, stuff like sniping the driver in the tank, or useing devices such as maybe a "sticky bomb" to throw at a tank to disable it somehow.

it just seems really diffucult than it should be. most of the time it's always a Round Draw, or the other team wins because the time limit is up, teams cannot score enough to win a round.

anyways, to end this, I think this is the only game that had made me smash my keyboard a few thousand times.

I'll play with you guys sometime, but expect alot of bitching/whining.
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