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Default 09-21-2004, 09:10 AM

You can get to the console by adding +set ui_console 1 at the end of your target line. Then ingame bring up the console and type
spawn weapons/JPN_44.hag for the Japanese 44 rifle,
spawn weapons/landmine_allied.hag for the Allied landmine,
spawn weapons/US45.hag for the Allied .45 revolver,
spawn weapons/JPN_Model96LMG.hag for the Japanese model 96 light MG,
spawn weapons/type100_smg.hag for the Type 100 SMG,
spawn weapons/US_Colt45.hag for the Allied M1911 .45 pistol, and
spawn items/binoculars.hag for fully functional binoculars.

The Japanese weapons can be found on the battlefield.

These weapons only have a single load of ammo.

**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
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