Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by Noctis
1) Economics. Anyone with even a basic college education can tell you this. The Republican stance on the economy is simply better. Politics and all that aside, you'd be hard-pressed to find an economist who isn't working for the DNC that will tell you that the economy will improve under Kerry.
Do you have links that say the economy under bush is better than under the clinton administration? Since we don't really know if kerry would improve the economy because it hasn't happened yet, all we can really do is compare republican to democrat stats. And i'd be interested to see the numbers from 2000 compared to 2004.
That's a faulty argument, though. The economy began recession prior to George Bush even taking office. Artificially inflating the numbers in the economy with trade agreements like NAFTA and the 2000 agreement with China completely destabilized the economy. Bottom-line, economists are saying that repealing the tax cuts will shock the stock market and send us right back into a downward spiral rather than an upward one. But the problem is that Kerry wants to dump everything into socialist programs, programs which drink budgets for an afternoon shake and have little to no return.