09-23-2004, 01:05 AM
Don't make me but in about econmics.
Greenspan is an amazing individual. This man has such a burden on his shoulders that no one else can handle with such ease. He has seen every trend and taken care of many economically problems. Recessions are always going to be around simply because they keep a Capitalistic economy booming. How can you gain money if you don't spend a bit?
Also ninty the president's biggest influence on the econmy is making the budget. You can't blame the economy problems completely on the man (OH NO DEMOCRAT TALKING WELL ABOUT BUSH!!!). Yes he made bad decisions but our economy problems can be forseen from years away. The only way Bush could of filled the dent in the economy was to not have a war in Iraq. However, the failing corporations, sluggish stock market, etc. cannot be blamed on him. Free enterprise is controlled by the people. Yes there is corruption and red tape that controls practices, yet people seem to survive. GDP proves nothing, the Dow Jones proves nothing; material and the common man having a feeling of comfort in the economy. Sad? Yes, but thats just the way we view things these days.