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Default 09-23-2004, 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by Machette
another great canada vs.america thread ffs... annoy:
I think the discussion on America vs. Canada is pretty much over.

Eames, why don't you tell the joke about the friend in the airport:

Your buddy gets on the plane with a shiner on his right eye. The who sits down next to him has a shiner on the exact same eye. So the guy asks your buddy, "Hey, how did you get your black eye?" And your buddy says, "Well, it was kind of a tongue twister thing. I was at the ticket counter and I meant to ask for two tickets to Pittsburgh, only the clerk had huge knockers and I asked for two pickets to Tittsburgh. It went downhill from there." So the guy says to your buddy, "That's amazing. I got mine from a bit of a tongue twister as well. I was sitting at the breakfast table with my wife this morning. I meant to say, 'Honey, could you pass the cream?' but it came out, 'You ruined my life you self-centered, soul-sucking bitch.'"

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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