09-24-2004, 01:46 PM
on the curved building; if you're just looking to have the building as a "backdrop" or a "prop" give my idea of a big brush, curve it and then hollow it out. i finally took a look at the image of the UCC building you had posted and i think it falls right into what i'm talking about. i took about five minutes to do a mock up using the technique i mentioned and though it's not much, i think it looks like the structured towers. i'm sure if you took some time you could really texturize it (all i did was take one brush , made it a 13 sided cylnder (sp), removed two of the sides to make it two parts, moved a couple of the sides so the brushes didn't bleed into each other and texture it.
of course i naturally heed to Cobra, being he's been given the king by most of the mohaa community and i have always looked up to him.