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Default 09-26-2004, 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
First off, they didn't run into the kicker, the kicker kicked the person in the helmet. That is not a penalty.

Secondly, girls simply have weaker bone structure than men. It's not a chauvenistic anything, their bones are simply more fragile and prone to breaking. That's why girls have never been allowed to play football. I think it's stupid that all this "political correctness" has them on the field now. I hope situations like this will serve as an example.

Hope the girl comes out okay, doubt she'll ever have full normal use of that knee again, though.
If the contact came while the kicker is in the motion of kicking, then it would be running into the kicker. If the kicker had compleated the kicking motion and the kicking leg was moving down then there would be no penalty. The defender shouldn't get close enough to the kicker to get kicked in the head. That tells me that it's a penalty. I agree with your other points btw.

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