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Default 09-27-2004, 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by Buckweed
lets say a ww3 will start and you were forced into a bomb shelter underground for like a year! :0 who would you liike/hate to be with
Like: Everyone/anyone really, I like most of the clowns that post here. Some reasons for why I would choose some people....

geRV: Would be able to keep me entertained with tales of video games and PC hardware for at least a year, easy.

Merlin122: He likes holding hands with me. A man needs to feel loved.

Duke_of_Ray: If I'm going to be locked up for a year I need sexyness.

TonyMontana: We could get naked and show each other our scars/war wounds.

[DAS REICH] Blitz: For his collection of animal porn movies/pics oOo:

Pyro: He'd probably bring his dog with him. (See above)

Hate: A handful of people, but one in particular....Judas. This is a joke of course, Judas would be in my "Like" list. xXx

Me - "So Judas, do you like the colour of the walls here in our..."
Judas - "STFU"
Me - "........."
Me - "So what could we have for dinner tonight my love, I fancy those chicken drumsti..."
Judas - "STFU"
Me - "........"
Me - ".................."
Me - "............."
Judas - "STFU"

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